Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sleeping through the night (or at least two hours??)`

As I write this, the baby stirs in her room, even though I just got up with her around 10 minutes ago. Before that, I had gotten up with her for an hour.

Why? Because the baby is addicted to milk.

Yes, at 17+ months, my baby is still nursing. A lot. And frankly I'm tired of people that I don't really know commenting about how weird that is and how she needs to stop. Yeah, maybe she does. I know for my sanity I sure wish she'd stop needing it in the middle of the night. But why does a stranger, or acquaintance, get to pass judgement on me? It's not like she's five years old and attending kindergarten and having chats at the lunch table about how delicious mom's milk is.

But I digress. The baby continues to stir, even as I type this (I'm an exceptionally fast typer, and it's only been about 2 minutes since I started this post). I refuse to let her cry it out. I read the book "The No Cry Sleep Solution," and that failed, too. Ugh I wish I could just let her lay in there and cry sometimes. I know it works for others, but I personally CANNOT do it. I don't want my girl to cry. Especially when I know I can go end her "suffering" in 20 seconds by just letting her have some milkies.

Anyhow, it's been far too long since this blog has been updated. My curse. I always have good intentions of starting blogs but it never quite works out. I blame this strictly on the iPad. I do most of my Internetting from it, you see. And although I am in love with my iPad, it's kind of difficult to type out long blog entries from it, so my poor newbie blog withers and wanes.

I will try to do a better job at this. I know I can.

Halfway through the school year. I wish I would win the lottery already so I could quit my job and do stuff like craft all day.

Goals for this year: update this blog more often. Get trendier and more fashionable (where are all of these amazing thrift stores that this cute bloggers are finding these awesome clothes at?!). Eat healthier. Exercise more. Get bikini body before bikini season. That's related to the previous two. Craft more. Learn to sew. Make my house look cute.


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